
I recently went through a forum, people were discussing how a donkey make sounds (wat a useless topic). Here's wat one logically explained.

step 1: the donkey breaths in : that makes an "ah" sound
step 2: it breaths out: that makes an "i" sound. So it is "a-i" "a-i" "a-i" (don't try to make that sound, Nepal too has got copyright act).

More stupid must be me, who read it through (top till bottom). I'm thinking of running one other topic, how does a cock cock-a-doddle-do (thats what i suppose must be a cock's sound called). Or may be wats the difference between the sounds of cock's in ktm and pkr. I usually din't get a chance to hear cock's sound, except when dad bought it to make spicy curry(for ur info I'm a veg now). People here in Kathmandu seem to crazily raise cocks, may be side income in this city filled with poor (or may be food for the cats).

Actually cock's issue din't popped up without reason, I'm hearing it quite often nowadays as I am playing owl these days bitten by my exam bug. Surprising though is that, cocks here begin their riyaz quite early as 1. Few crazy cocks even made sounds at 12. Is that becoz of the light of my havel's energy saving bulb that they confuse its morning (quite a topic for a new research or advertisement of havel's light, rimponche). More astonishment to me is that they suddenly stop it around 2.30 and again start it at around 5, so I guess they are making two sessions, one for people like me whose morning starts at midnight and the other for usual ones.

Our gatekeeper has also got two cocks, one small one big. Its quite a fun to scare them and run after to make them half fly in air to escape. Its just so funny that it gets alert as soon as I am around, just like an armyman aware of its enemy. Anyway it doesn't know that I am a veg else it must be less scared, don't dare to tell it.

Leave the cocks, I need to get back to my elearning site. So Long till next time..........